Friday, December 21, 2007

Strange food art rarely seen

Now the question is :
Will you eat it or just look at it. Can you imagine how much time this takes to someone to make such artistic food snacks?

This idea for snack is great where exhibitions take place. Imagine that you go to see art in an art gallery and waiters there serve wine or champagne along with these snacks!

It will be very unique.

I admire the one that made such snacks. If you know the creator please post the name/site so that proper credits will be given.

Enjoy :)


WJusta said...

we're waiting for 4 months!
please give somthing more!

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...


These are quite good and have a sense of humour.
Another artist to watch is Carl Warner, who makes wonderful foodscapes.
I would like to see a link to this artist works and for the one of the metallic birds.


twinkle teaches said...

Oh my!! I think this would help my toddler eat his food! :)These are great!!

Anonymous said...

If you know the creator please post the name/site so that proper credits will be given